The metal hooks that some pins use to collect pineapples can be dangerous when used in the presence of high-voltage towers.
This is something that all those who use them should know, since there have been serious cases of electric shocks, although there has been no contact of the metal with the conductors of the line.
It is what is called an electric arc", which produces intense heat, sound explosions and extreme temperatures that can make clothes burn and causes severe burns, including death.
Scar on the same person who received an electric shock. 16 August 2014. Encastillalamancha.
To avoid this type of accident, pineapple pickers should avoid taking them from trees under power lines.
The Association of Professional Environmental Agents of Castilla-La Mancha (APAM-CLM) recently published an article on its official website in which it refers to a serious case that, fortunately, did not end in tragedy. It also publishes some photos of the injuries produced in the collector, which I have allowed myself to attach to this article, which I hope can serve to avoid any displeasure to someone.
An environmentalist in El Bierzo.
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The palace of Fuensalida, seat of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla – La Mancha. Photo: Francisco Javier Martín Fernández.
The Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha approved, on the 23rd, without consulting the Advisory Council on the Environment (CAMA) in which members of rural and environmental environments participate, a new hunting law that allows its intensive practice, closing roads, and grants subsidies and aid to hunting activity.
Environmentalists have made their anger public by denying the Ministry of Agriculture the opportunity to talk about the law before it passes. On the 23rd, the CAMA meeting took place with the Minister of Agriculture, María Luisa Soriano, present, as well as the General Director of Mountains and Natural Spaces, Javier Gómez Elvira. The latter assured that the text of the law would go back through the Hunting Council to evaluate possible modifications after a period of allegations. Something that didn't happen in the end.
The collective Ecologists in Action has described the situation as a deception and denounced that the Ministry had already prepared in advance the final text of the law, so it did not bother to respond to the allegations presented. Ecologists has already collected 35,000 signatures as part of the campaign to repeal the bill.
Conservationists reproach the obscurantism of the board's actions (PP), by hiding the real state of the draft and approving it without consulting the established body. And they denounce that the case is similar to when it discontinued by decree the wildlife shelters. A situation that was finally amended by the High Court of Justice of Castilla-La Mancha.
logo. PACMA. Anti-Taurian Party Against Animal Abuse. 2009. Unecologistaenelbierzo.
For its part, the Animalist-Pacma Party and the Platform against Hunting (formed by 33 environmental, political, trade union and neighborhood entities), have demanded last Friday the withdrawal of the draft law for incentivizing a more intensive and commercial hunting model" and suppose "an even greater harm to the interests of wild animals and, even , of the domestic ones".
The new law allows hunting with ties and traps, hunting with more intensity and commercial in more closed and fenced preserves, massive practices that for environmentalists threaten the safety not only of protected species such as the Iberian lynx but against that of the people themselves. They also criticize that it facilitates the use for hunting of the Castilian-La Mancha mountains and that it fines those who disturb its practice, in addition to authorizing minors to use a weapon from the age of 14.
It also authorizes surprising practices such as killing dogs and cats. Thus, Article 7.5 states that: Feral domestic animals shall not be considered as hunting pieces. However, they may be killed for health reasons, damage to ecological balance, with the prior authorization of the Provincial Body, which will specify the means of capture to be used, which in any case, will be selective and will not act to the detriment of other species of their habitats".
Rosa Prieto, one of the heads of environment of The United Left in Castilla-La Mancha, has also criticized the attempt of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment to remove the representatives of environmental and conservation groups of cama to replace them by hunting associations. A proposal that was finally rejected at the last meeting of the regional body.
The President of APAM-CLM (in t-shirt) talks with Gaspar Llamazares. Toledo, 24 Sept. 2014. Agentesclm.blogspot.
The Association of Professional Environmental Agents of Castilla – La Mancha (APAM-CLM), through the mouth of its president Luis Díaz Villaverde, has also criticized some measures that, together with the cuts in forestry officials, ensures that they put people's lives at risk, especially in medium and small towns. They have also said that the homologation of capture methods, which involves the use of loop in critical areas for the Iberian lynx (whose population reaches ten in Castilla-La Mancha) harms the already meager population.
APAM-CLM calls for the resignation of Councilor María Luisa Soriano.
The collective has affirmed that the policies of the Junta are destroying the natural heritage of Castilla-La Mancha, in favor of those who have considerable purchasing power", as in the case of the hunting sector, to the detriment of local hunters. Regarding the draft hunting law, Díaz Villaverde criticized that the allegations presented were dismissed without any formal argument."
APAM-CLM has also denounced what it considers attacks on the rural environment, such as the decree that includes the Bonelli's Eagle as a falconry bird, the release of wild boars on horseback, which it has defined as an atrocity, a bloody bloody method that does not comply with the basic principles of animal welfare."
Just yesterday, in a press conference, the association again called for the resignation of the Minister of Agriculture, María Luisa Soriano, due to her lack of concern for the environment." A demission that ecologists in action already requested a few days ago.
United Left's criticism of nuclear ATC and fracking.
Cospedal with Francisco Gil-Ortega, from Enresa.
Rosa Prieto, one of the heads of Environment of Izquierda Unida in Castilla-La Mancha, has pointed out the boost that the Board chaired by Maria Dolores de Cospedal (PP) is giving to the Centralized Temporary Warehouse in Villar de Cañas to the four fracking projects that are being studied in the region. Fracking needs a lot of water. There is no water, being a hydraulic colony of Levante, and without water it is impossible to do fracking, "said Prieto, who asked the government how is it possible that they do not see this contradiction yet.
The Works Council of Radio Television denounces hirings to the finger of the regional president.
On the other hand, the Works Council of Radio Televisión Castilla-La Mancha (RTVCM), has denounced that the president of the Community, Maria Dolores de Cospedal, is proceeding to a series of "labor" relocations and hiring a finger". The dismissal of journalist Erika Alcazar, who had been working at regional radio for more than 10 years, is one of the well-known cases. But also that of the hiring of a new head of society of Canarian origin and with little knowledge of the regional culture.
The headquarters of the RTVCM. Toledo, 2014.
The unions CCOO and UGT have criticized the disreconsied ways in the dismissal of Alcazar, and reproach the entity that while it claims that the dismissal is simply due to economic reasons, on the other hand hires to fill the position of the dismissal. In fact, on the same day that RTVCM fired the veteran editor, it hired a new deputy director of news for regional radio, creating a position that did not exist before.
The dismissal was communicated to Alcazar by email on the same day his contract ended. In fact RTVCM will have to pay compensation that it has already assumed for not having given the mandatory notice 15 days before the decision.
The 40 million euros of budget approved for next year (of which 36 will come directly from the regional government) seem to the unions more than enough to keep on the payroll the workers who from their origin were in the entity. However, the RTVCM, as well as the Office of the President, still do not answer the questions about the economic state of the chain raised by the Works Council.
In fact, it criticizes the fact that the Contracting Commission that must supervise the new hires, and that is stipulated in the company's collective agreement, has not been convened for more than a year.
An environmentalist in El Bierzo.
Rescue of a real agile wounded by environmental agents. Los Yébenes , 22 Sept. 2014.