Tips for the duck hunter
Here are some tips for those who enjoy the cazería of ducks ...
Make sure you have good camouflage for both apparel and gambling. Avoid improvisation. Go to the hunting place with someone who has already been hunting in it, find out before where the duck enters, if there are places to bet, the arrival paths, etc. If you are going for the first time and nobody knows the place the ideal is to arrive near noon, tour the area and be stationed for the sunset. Lures are the most effective tool for attracting ducks. The ideal is to paint them in a color similar to that of ducks. Callers are also an effective tool especially for the Siriri and Creston. You get them in plastic and wood (beware, that they are not imported because they do not correspond to our species). The simplest is made with two asses of cartridges, one of the 12 and one of the 16. The fulminants and the inner plastic are removed and then embedded inside each other. Blowing through the hole of the fulminant can imitate the whistle of the sirirí. The ideal caliber for duck hunting is 12 and the minimum 20 in shotguns with very good shock. The ideal shotgun is the semi-automatic for the speed in repeating the shots and for the load capacity, although one of two pipes (juxta superimposed is the same) is enough since, although they come in flock, it is very difficult to make more than two shots. The ideal ammo is, to my liking, 7 for the first shot and 5 for the second. The ducks fly at an average of 40 kilometers per hour and some at much higher speed, so we must advance the shot, that is to say aim in front of the duck anticipating the trajectory. How much further forward should we aim? Only experience and many missed shots answer this question. The duck lands (aquariza) always with a headwind so the hunter must bet with the wind on his back to face the birds. In the past some prefer to let the duck pass and throw it from behind pointing and then lowering the sight a little to advance the shot. The shot at the duck that comes from the front is more colorful but requires more experience to not let yourself be passed by the duck. In addition, from the front, the feathers form a kind of aerodynamic armor that makes it difficult to flip.