Simple tips for beginner wild boar hunters on the lookout.
Smell and sight
Make sure you don't have any body odor as you can be easily spotted by large wild boars. They have a keen sense of smell and sight, contrary to what people say. You can see pretty well, so don't make any noise, or sudden movement. The wind must always hit the hunter's face.
Locating the Boar
There are certain specific signs that a wild boar leaves behind, and locating these can help you identify the usual wild boar hiding places. Screment and rubbing of their skin on trees are some of the most common markers, as well as samples on raised tree stumps.
Hunting on hold
After having identified the regular presence of the wild boar, they can sit inside a tree, high in its crown, where it has previously prepared a stall, at its foot, where it has built a hiding place, preferably of plant matter.
Wild boars are known to be noisy when they eat. This can be advantageous when you're trying to get a good shot. While sitting on your tree on your foot, it's important to listen carefully to the molar noise of the wild boars eating. This way you can direct your weapon in the direction of the sound slowly. And observe through the chiaroscuro lights that the moon offers. It is a hunt by ear, in the solitude of the mountains, which at that moment speaks to the hunter clearly. Its sounds tell him that it is happening several kilometers around his hunting post.
When to shoot
You have to wait until the piece is as close as possible. In complete silence, almost without breathing, you have to aim carefully at the heart. Have the temper that the piece shows the flank of the knuckle. Well, if you want to collect the piece effectively at night, impacts in other places will make it difficult to collect it at night, and we will have to return the next day with the help of sniffer dogs. The good hunter should not leave wounded pieces in the bush. It is preferable to return home empty, with the cold soaked in the bones of a sleepless night, than to leave an animal badly injured.
Visit where you can watch exclusive videos of the night of the wild boar, and the hunting while waiting for a huge wild boar.