Up to 85 different bird sounds have been compiled by the Catalan naturalist Cristian Valls on the following website. Learn to identify them by their singing!

Birds, on the web. / Cris Valls

¿You would know how to differentiate the sound of each of the birds in the middle of nature? A website created by the Catalan naturalist Cristian Valls it has been proposed that anyone who wants to learn the song of birds can do so easily from home.

This project, according to the author, «born in a
difficult time in which we can not fully enjoy the birds that so much
we love, but we will continue to do so from home
through photographs and audios. And when
let's return to the field, the knowledge acquired will help us to love them even more," he explains about the website.

In total, there are 85 different sounds of birds such as nightingale,
black-headed warbler, saithe, turtledove, redfish, kestrel, robin,
jay, owl, blackbird, climber, laundress, pardillo, mosquito net...

It is a space to learn to identify birds visually and audibly as if it were a game. It has more than 500 daily visits and more than 7000 actions on social networks. CLICK HERE to access the website.

The App that also identifies birds by their song

Combining the immense audio archive of birds from around the world collected by the British Library's sound library with new recognition technologies would allow data to be cross-referenced for a reliable species identifier. This is precisely what a group of scientists from Queen Mary University of London has achieved thanks to an automatic sound analysis system and a specific algorithm for classifying songs. We'll tell you here.

The article How to identify birds by their song: this website shows you up to 85 species appears first in Jara and Sedal Magazine.